Innovative Geopolymer Material Solutions For Extreme Environments

Breathtaking Synthetic Rock Formations
Geopolymer is made using geologically originated raw materials such as clay minerals and recycled industrial waste materials especially from mining, steel, and thermal power plants industries. Thus the term, “GEO- POLYMER.”
It has the ability to provide a superior alternative to concrete in a broad range of high-temperature, extreme environments across a broad range of industries; including construction, power production, sewer rehabilitation, oil and gas.

Pervious Geopolymer-Special High Water Permeability Application
Watch this demonstration of AGS’ award-winning permeable geopolymer concrete by our Chief Science Officer Dr. Sudhir Amritphale.
Is Geopolymer The Right Material Solution For Your Company?
If your company is interested in product research, licensing, or learning more about our geopolymer multi-use patents, please click the button below and fill out the contact form.